Closeup Portrait Young Man Executive Looking Surprised, Curious


Getting the right image for yourself is just as important and in many cases more important than qualifications. You can be the best educated and talented individual out there, but these things are no good if you can’t promote them in the right and effective way. Just imagine yourself sitting there waiting for the phone to ring, email, or post to arrive following that job application you sent off or pitch for a project you have put forward as a freelancer.

Yes, you probably managed to everything down about your qualifications, what skills you have, and the experience you have gained – so have thousands of other applicants. But, did you stand out, I mean seriously stand out?

Take a good look at your approach and be totally honest with yourself – can you do any better?

• Look at the market you are building your career in and research it in detail.

• How do you fit into that market and sector.

• Do you have a Personal Brand? Style is everything – but more effective if it is unique.

• Presentation – not just your clothes, but the presentation of your skills and experience.

• Establishing how to target yourself to your chosen sector.

• Making the best use of the communication tools out there.

At The Creative Design School, we include these areas in our main courses. We find it pointless if our students finish their courses and just disappear into the job-hunting world without some real guidance in advance. It is also known that some of our students come back to us for additional guidance throughout their careers. Don’t just accept that when you have completed your course, whether it is a diploma or a degree that work is just going to fall on your lap.

The employment sectors are really not focusing 100% on your qualifications, they want to see evidence of your presentation, skills, knowledge, and the work you have done and how you achieved it. If you would like more guidance on promoting yourself, drop us an email so we can help identify the right approach for you through one of our courses.

At The Creative Design School, we include these areas in our main courses. We find it pointless if our students finish their courses and just disappear into the job-hunting world without some real guidance in advance. It is also known that some of our students come back to us for additional guidance throughout their careers. Don’t just accept that when you have completed your course, whether it is a diploma or a degree that work is just going to fall on your lap.

The employment sectors are really not focusing 100% on your qualifications, they want to see evidence of your presentation, skills, knowledge, and the work you have done and how you achieved it. If you would like more guidance on promoting yourself, drop us an email so we can help identify the right approach for you through one of our courses.

Find out more about our courses and our school by visiting our website:

Find out more about our courses and our school by visiting our website:

How to Successfully Promote Yourself as a Creative Graphic Designer in Today’s World

Promoting yourself as a graphic designer involves showcasing your skills, building a strong personal brand, and effectively reaching your target audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this process:


1. Build a Strong Portfolio

Create a Professional Website

– Use platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website.

– Ensure it’s mobile-friendly and easy to navigate.

Showcase Your Best Work

– Highlight a variety of projects to demonstrate your versatility.

– Include case studies that detail your design process, challenges, and solutions.

Update Regularly

– Keep your portfolio fresh with recent projects.

– Remove outdated or less impressive work.

 2. Develop a Personal Brand

Define Your Unique Style

– Identify what makes your design style unique and consistent.

– Use this style consistently across all platforms.

3. Utilise Social Media

Choose the Right Platforms

– Focus on visually-driven platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Behance.

– Use LinkedIn for professional networking and showcasing your expertise.

Post Regularly

– Share your work, behind-the-scenes content, and design tips.

– Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages.

Use Hashtags and Keywords

– Research and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility.

– Optimize your profiles with keywords related to your skills and services.


4. Network and Collaborate

Join Design Communities

– Participate in online forums, Facebook groups, and local design meetups.

– Engage in discussions, share your work, and seek feedback.

Attend Industry Events

– Go to conferences, workshops, and webinars.

– Network with other designers and potential clients.

Collaborate with Other Creatives

– Partner with photographers, illustrators, or writers on projects.

– Cross-promote each other’s work.


5. Offer Value and Engage

Create Valuable Content

– Write blog posts, create tutorials, or start a YouTube channel to share your knowledge.

– Offer free resources like templates or design tips.

Engage with Your Audience

– Respond to comments and messages on social media.

– Ask for feedback and use it to improve.

Email Marketing

– Build an email list and send out newsletters with updates, tips, and exclusive content.

– Personalize your emails to make them more engaging.


6. Seek Testimonials and Reviews

Ask Satisfied Clients

– Request testimonials from happy clients to build credibility.

– Display these testimonials prominently on your website and social media.

Use Review Platforms

– Encourage clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, or LinkedIn.

– Respond to reviews professionally, thanking clients for their feedback.


7. Stay Current and Continue Learning

Follow Industry Trends

– Keep up with the latest design trends and software updates.

– Incorporate new techniques and styles into your work.

Take Courses and Workshops

– Invest in continuous learning through online courses, workshops, and certifications.

– Stay ahead of the curve by expanding your skill set.


8. Be Consistent and Patient

Consistency is Key

– Be consistent in your branding, posting schedule, and communication.

– Maintain a steady presence online and offline.

Be Patient and Persistent

– Building a strong reputation and client base takes time.

– Stay committed and keep improving your skills and strategies.

By following these steps, you can effectively promote yourself as a creative graphic designer and build a successful career in today’s competitive market.