Design is a space for growth - Creative Design School


Akanksha says ‘Design is a space for growth’

As a child, I was given a paper and some watercolours to keep me busy, and ever since I haven’t stopped exploring art. This further grew into pursuing a degree in fine arts. As I took my first steps into my career, I was more acquainted with design and working for brands. Hence, curiosity grew about the birth of a brand, and how a combination of visuals helped highlight a brand’s story.



Akanksha sitting on sea smiling

With that said, my career in design was pretty straightforward. I didn’t explore deep into design until the pandemic hit, and working from home was the only way. A routine sort of stuck for a while until I woke up one day and thought, ‘What am I doing?’. For someone who loves to learn and constantly grow, I was doing the opposite. Being stagnant in my career- and then I stumbled upon the Creative Design School. The best part of the lockdown was I could take up the course from the comfort of my home!

The timing was impeccable – I enrolled and oh what fun I had learning! I believe there’s always a thrill about learning something new. Especially about brands.

We come across multiple brands daily, but little do we know the story behind each one. CDS’s course taught me the most- to be curious. While learning, I looked up every brand I came across- from the smallest one that made Nataraj Erasers to luxury products like Jaquar. Ever since I completed the course I’ve been practising my learnings and my design portfolio has gotten even better.

All thanks to my tutor, who guided me through the course, cleared my doubts and encouraged me to get better at every assignment 🙂

cocoa lane logo
cocoa lane shop photos
cocoa lane shop branding photos