I aspire to be a Graphic Designer - Creative Design School


I aspire to be a Graphic Designer

Hello, my name is Savannah I live in London and I’m 23 years old. While doing this course I have been working as a receptionist at a private vet practice. I aspire to be a fully-fledged Graphic Designer, both working for a company and freelance. This will give me full flexibility to explore all the aspects of Graphic Design that I enjoy the most. Alongside this, I would love to create a brand of my own where I’m able to have the freedom to express my creativity.



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I’ve always been interested in creating things from a young age and would draw almost every day, this was mainly inspiration from my mum who did fine art. From then I did thorough research into what jobs were available within the creative industry and came across a number of options. But ultimately decided that Graphic Design would be the best suited to me.

It was always going to be something either within the animal or creative industry from an early age. So when I studied animal management in college and realised it wasn’t for me, I did research into jobs I could do in the creative industry and what qualifications I would need.

Searching design courses online I came across the Creative design school and thought it would be an amazing option as I had to also work alongside studying.

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Looking at the courses available and what others have been able to do with their course is what inspired me to sign-up. I came across the Creative Design School by researching online schools and going through as many as I could find.

To anyone wanting to go in a similar direction, I would advise researching and studying the applications they will need to use as much as possible as a starting point, as this is what’s going to allow you to have the freedom to create whatever you want without any restrictions. Along with this learning the fundamentals of the job so that they don’t make any small mistakes when doing work.

I believe it is very beneficial to sign up for an online course as there is so much you can learn and helps you to become more motivated.

With my course now done, I’m going to spend all my energy applying to companies that specialise in areas I find most interesting so I can work on projects that peak my design interest while also continuing to improve my skills on different applications giving me more creative freedom. I’ve had the privilege to design packaging, posters, branding for a company and many more but have found the first three the most enjoyable and rewarding to design.

When creating packaging for a product you have to do thorough research into the company and their current branding/colour palette so you are able to deliver the right service. I found this very enjoyable to update older branding to see where I could better improve it. This went hand in hand with the branding of a company but with a lot more depth and process.

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