Freelancer With Many Hobbies Working At Home Set


It’s the strangest of times, with most of us working from home, or simply sitting at home waiting for life to return to normal. The trouble is that, however much we might wish for it, we’ll never get back to the old normal. For many of us, whether we like it or not, the old normal of packed commuter trains, and working 9-till-5 in a busy office are over. Maybe it is time to discover freelance freedom.


The future is now.

Working remotely from home will be part of the new normal, with fast-moving technologies allowing for greater and more interactive collaboration. As we come out of lockdown, companies and organisations will have to adopt new business models. Consumer behaviours will have changed. Impacts on turnover and profit will be profound. It adds up to a lengthy period of corporate and organisational uncertainty and, in turn, uncertainty for employees.

But for anyone worried about their future career, it’s time to think through all the options. The worst thing is to passively wait until you know if your job is secure or not.

In other words, it’s time to take control and, increasingly, that means looking at the option of going freelance. Granted, it’s not an option for everyone. Some people like the social dynamic of working with others in an office, with structured start and finish times, pension scheme and holiday entitlement. But in the new normal, how secure will your job be? Will there be such a thing as a job for life? Can you afford to sit back in the hope that the old normal will suddenly reappear?


Working from home.

All the evidence is that working from home will be the new norm for very large numbers of people. Leaving aside issues of personal safety, it makes enormous sense for employers. Offices can be downsized, and money saved on expensive real estate. The new normal will also see many if not most, companies and organisations having to manage lower turnovers and profitability – and that means a boost for the freelance market. In the new normal, why employ an expensive member of staff when you can periodically hire a freelancer?


Get ahead now.

So, for many people, the question becomes this: is it better to sit back and passively allow your career to be decided by someone else, or is it time to actively take control of your future and make it happen? If the latter, then working freelance could be a good option for you. Not only can it be extremely rewarding, but you can also make it fit in around the rest of your life – whether, for example, for childcare responsibilities or the freedom to take a midweek afternoon off when it’s sunny.

I know that a lot of people are used to working in offices and worry about the isolation of working freelance. But, frankly, in the new world of work, that’s no longer an issue. Every town and city is now filled with collaborative spaces for freelancers to work in, and build networks of like-minded people. They give you the scope to meet and talk to many more people than you would have done in a structured office, with all its attendant office politics!

Career Development

The other worry is career development. But, honestly, what are your likely avenues for career development in the near future? The most important tip I can give anyone who is serious about going freelance is Planning and Research. Don’t even think about making the move until you have carried out these two major tasks. 
The Creative Design School has helped many hundreds of people from around the world to successfully become creative freelancers, and we have a comprehensive range of courses to suit your budget and timescale. We are well-established and therefore have long experience and expertise in delivering our core educational promise: to make you the very best creative you can be. All our courses, from graphic design to creative writing, are tutor-led so that you have one-to-one support every step of the way. Importantly also, the qualifications we award are internationally-recognised.


Displaying your skills.

Acquiring a portfolio of skills is important to everyone, whether as an employee or freelancer – so taking one of our courses can also turbo-boost careers within a salaried environment. But for those thinking about working freelance, we can also help you plan and research your options. Our short course, Become a Freelancer, will take you through that fundamental step-by-step process, and make sure that you are ready and fully armed to make your next move.